IPA FPE Demo site FQC

Forensic Quality Circles of IPA FPE

How does it work? The FQC has several categories and strive to get all expertise area’s to be represented on the official online website. Here on the demo site, you will see only what is necessary to find out if all functionalities do work.

There is diversity of abbreviations which is according all expertise areas and in how he are categorised. Would you like to know more and how many there, click here to find out This link will bring you to IPA FPE official site page for more information on this subject.

After login you will see on the right sidebar of the page which circle(s) you are granted to have access. Participants have access to three circles:

  1. There own expertise circle,
  2. General Questions Circle
  3. Question Circle of their own category(new). 

If a participant has the roll of moderator or the roll of content watcher. They will get more rights and functionalities. The index page of all FQC’s, click here to find out.